国际评审认证联合会(INTERNATIONAL EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION UNION,简称IEAU、IUEA),以美国威廉姆斯律师事务所为总法律顾问机构,约翰 L·威廉姆斯为法律总顾问,负责IEAU在全球的法律事务,并组织、领导、协调IEAU在全球各个国家、地区的法律顾问、律师团队开展工作,所有IEAU的律师机构,服从美国威廉姆斯律师事务所的指挥、指派与调遣。
对于威廉姆斯律师事务所与约翰 L·威廉姆斯先生对IEAU的长期大力支持与帮助,IEAU在此特表示最诚挚的谢意!
约翰 L ·威廉姆斯签署的文件

附:威廉姆斯律师事务所 核心成员 简介
T: 302-575-0873
F: 302-575-0925

John Legaré Williams, Esquire
Williams College, B.A. 1998 (Political Economy)
Emory University School of Law, J.D. 2001
Bar and Court Admissions
Pennsylvania 2002
New Jersey 2002 (State & Federal Southern District)
Delaware 2003 (State & Federal)
Massachusetts 2003
New York 2004
3rd Circuit Federal Court of Appeals
John Williams is Vice President and Partner. He served as summer clerk in the Delaware Court of Chancery for Vice Chancellor Jack B. Jacobs in 1999 (presently a Delaware Supreme Court Justice). He served as a summer clerk in the Delaware Supreme Court in 2000 for Justice Joseph T. Walsh. He worked for The Coca-Cola Company in the patent law division of their worldwide corporate legal department. He is a member of the Delaware Trial Lawyers Association.
He has added vigor and continuity to the law firm. He has added an intellectual property, bankruptcy, and civil litigation dimension to the practice. He has also helped integrate new research technology to enhance the practice.
John L. Williams is experienced in negotiating transactions, drafting documents, and advocating for clients in all Delaware state courts as both plaintiff and defense counsel. He is licensed to practice law in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
Professional Activities
Delaware Law Weekly: Interviewed on International foreign money judgment recognition.
Lecturer for seven National Business Institute seminars on continuing education for attorneys on special uses of Delaware LLCs (2006-2011).
Lecturer at Sterling Education Seminar on Estate Planning - Advanced Trust Topics (2011).
Lecturer at Delaware Trust Conference sponsored by Delaware Bankers Association.
Expert witness for Office of Public Advocacy of Alaska in litigation involving Delaware Series LLC owning 40 parcels of real estate (Genesis Properties LLC vs. McDowell).
Small Business Development Center: lecturer to Advisors on choice of entity.
Small Business Administration (Delaware) Presenter on:
Intellectual Property and Choice of entity
University of Delaware: Guest lecturer in senior seminar on small business.
Compliance Weekly: Quoted in June 9, 2008 article on “State-Federal Tussle on Beneficial Owners.”
Gunnip & Company LLP (Certified Public Accounting firm) presenter on LLC law in Delaware, 2009.
Limited Liability Company Handbook 2008-2009, 2011-2012 Editions: Acknowledgment thanking John Williams for assistance by author, Walter Schwidetzky.
Interviewed in 2010 by Swiss National Public Television regarding Delaware corporate and LLC law international advantages for an entrepreneurial program broadcast throughout German-speaking Europe.
Recognized by Philadelphia Magazine as 2010 & 2011 “5-Star Wealth Manager” in Estate and Business Planning.
Member of Richard S. Rodney Inn of Court.
Civic Activities
John L. Williams was appointed by Governor Minner to the Natural Areas Advisory Council in 2007, elected chairman in 2008 and elected to State Parks Council in 2008.
He coaches the University of Delaware Men’s Rowing Team. (See News Journal article “The Oars of Justice” from November 11, 2003–online version titled “Head of the Charles, Head of the Class”).
In 2011, he was elected to the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation Board of Directors.
In 2011, he was also elected a Board member and Vice President of the Wilmington Rowing Center.
In 2010, he was made Vice President of the One Commerce Center Condo Council, the managers of a 11-story commercial office building.

David Nicol Williams, Esquire
Williams College, B.A. 1957 (History)
Columbia University School of Law, L.L.B. 1960
New York University L.L.M – Taxation 1966
Bar and Court Admissions
Delaware 1960 (State & Federal)
Florida 1961
District of Columbia 1962
U.S. Supreme Court 1965
U.S. Tax Court 1966
U.S. Court of Claims 1966
David N. Williams is President and Director of the firm. He has been practicing law for fifty (50) years.
He served as special counsel on Tax Litigation for the State of Delaware, was a member of the Delaware State Board of Accountancy, was an attorney for the Governor’s Revenue Study Committee and became Vice Chairman. He served as Chairman of the Committee on Taxation and is currently a member of the Sections on Taxation and Estates and Trusts.
He is past President of the Delaware Estate Planning Council and the Wilmington Tax Group. He has presented seminars for the National Law Foundation and has been a guest lecturer at the Widener University School of Law on Estates and Trusts.
His practice focuses primarily on taxation, estate planning, estate administration, business transactions, real estate and corporate law.
David N. Williams was the first lawyer in Delaware with a Master’s Degree in Taxation.
He was selected by Delaware Today in 2010 as a “5-Star Wealth Manager” in the Delaware Area. Put his experience to work.
Professional Activities
David N. Williams, Esq. serves as pro bono legal counsel to the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition and won its President’s Award in 2007.

Brian C. Crawford, Esquire
Lehigh University, 2001 (Finance)
Loyola University School of Law, 2005
Bar and Court Admissions
Delaware 2007 (State & Federal)
New Jersey 2007
3rd Circuit Federal Court of Appeals
Brian Crawford is experienced in drafting pleadings, motions and memoranda. His practice is in the area of litigation ranging from land owner disputes to corporate and commercial disputes. He also assists in transactions from estate matters to business purchases.
Professional Activities
Summer clerk in Pennsylvania District Attorney’s office, 1999
Volunteer at Office of Child Advocacy, Guardian Ad Litem, 2007
General Counsel to ACW Corporation, Operator of 25 Arby’s Restaurants